O‘zb: Qiz bazmi
Eng: Bridal shower


Nikoh to`yidan avval kelin faqat o`z dugonalari bilan o`tkazadigan o`yin-kulgu kechasi


A party before the wedding ceremony when a bride celebrates the occasion with her friends and relatives.


Qizlar majlisi – gullar, lolalar, to‘tilar, qumrilar majlisi! Bu uyda — Kumushbibining tog‘asining uyida qizlar majlisi, gullar majlisi!

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Oʻtkan kunlar

Kumushbibini ham bu qiziq bazmdan boshqalardek hissa oladir, so‘yinib quvonadir, deb o‘ylanmasin, chunki vujudi qizlar bazmi ichida bo‘lsa ham xayoli allaqa-yoqlarda uchib yurgandek, ko‘zlari o‘ynag‘uchi qizlarda bo‘lsa ham, ammo haqiqatda boshqa bir narsani ko‘rgandek..

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, Oʻtkan kunlar


A bridal shower is a congregation as redolent as a bed of flowers; such slender tulips, such vibrant parrots, and such beautiful
turtledoves! A garden redolent of delicious flowers abounded in the house of Kumush's uncle.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days

You would be mistaken, however, if you thought that Kumush Bibi was
interested in the festivities or enjoying them along with the others. Even though she was physically present at the bridal shower, her thoughts
traveled elsewhere: her eyes watched the girls dancing, but her dreams had flown to some other land.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days