O‘zb: Bo`ridek sezgir
Eng: Such a wolf to prowl around their lamb
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Och bo`ridek tashlanmoq, Qashqirdek


Sezish qobiliyati kuchli, tashqi ta`sirni tez sezadigan 


Wolf is a pathfinder and symbolizes intelligence & leadership


― Undan ehtiyot bo’linglar. Unga munosib baho bermasanglar, xato qilasizlar. U bo’ridek sezgir va o’ta aqlli. Odamlar orasida u o’zini suvdagi baliqdek his qiladi. Uni quruq qo’l bilan tutib bo’lmaydi...

Manba: Zulmat ostonasidagi muhabbat, Stefeni Meyer


To many he would have seemed an eligible suitor; but madame frowned upon his presence in the house, and lectured the professor at times on his allowing such a wolf to prowl around their lamb.

Manba: The Sign Of The Four Arthur Conan Doyle