O‘zb: O`tkir tishlar
Eng: Sharp teeth
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Kabob sixiday tishlar, So`yloq tishlar, Ulkan qoziq tishlar


Keskir, uchli, nayzadek tishlar


Teeth with a thin edge or sharp point


“Ular ko‘pchilika kulalarning aksar o‘tkir tishlariga o‘xshamas, balki yirtqichlarning tishlari singari qayrilgan odam barmoqlarini eslatardi”

Manba: Ernest Hemenguey, Chol va dengiz


With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate of life at once unite: poor venomous fool, be angry, and dispatch. That I might hear thee call great Caesar ass Unpolicied!

Manba: William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra