(da`vogar, odillik istovchi) adolat talab etuvchi, adolat istovchi, da`vogar.
2 tar. Buxoro xonligida adolat, had-huquq istovchilardan amir nomiga ariza qabul qiluvchi va uning javobini arizachilarga yetkazuvchi lavozimli kishi
3. tar. Qo’qon xonligida qozixona ishlari ustidan nazorat olib boruvchi amaldor
4. tar. O’tmishda Farg’ona vodiysi va Toshkentda mingboshi va boshqa ba’zi amaldorlarni ulug’lash uchun ishlatilgan so’z.
(plaintiff, seeker of fairness) justice demander, seeker of fairness plaintiff.
2. his. In the Bukhara khanate, an official who receives applications from those who want justice and rights addressed to an emir and delivers his answer to the applicants
3. his. In the Kokand khanate, the official in charge of qozixona (institution) works.
4. his. In the past, the word has been used to glorify the mingboshi and some other officials in the Fergana Valley and Tashkent.
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Rayimbek bosh dodxoh edi… Manba: A.Qodiriy, O`tgan kunlar |
The Leader of the dadkhahs was stooping and sitting half-naked under the wicket. Manba: Bygone days by A.Qodiriy |
An official who worked as a Dadkhah received the applications which were sent to the palace and responded to them. Manba: History of Uzbekistan 8th grade textbook |
Rayimbek was a head dadkhah… Manba: Bygone days by A.Qodiriy |
My dadkhah, being dadkhah is peculiar to you, hundreds entreaties can cross without bribe, you. Manba: Rich and Servant by Hamza |