O‘zb: Ko`p ovqat yeb yubormoq
Eng: Over eat
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Paq-paqqos yeb qo'yish, To`yib ovqatlanish


Keragidan ortiq yeb yubormoq


To eat too much


– Men shuncha ko‘p ovqat yeb yuboribmanki, bundan o‘zimni ancha yomon his qilyapman.

Manba: Anton bo’rini uchratgan kecha, Edith Shrayber-Vike


If, regardless of that counsel, you choose to make a beast of yourself now, and over-eat and over-drink yourself till you turn the good victuals into poison, who is to blame if, hereafter, while you are suifering the torments of yesterday's gluttony and drunkenness,..

Manba: Anna Bronte, The Tennant of Wildfell Hall