O‘zb: Etikdo'z
Eng: Cobbler / Shoemaker
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Kosib


Charmdan mahsi, kovush, shippak, etik va boshqa oyoq kiyimlarini qo’lda tikish bilan shug’ullanuvchi hunarmand


Person who makes and repairs shoes


Yo’q meni aslim qishloqligu, hozir shu yerlikman, Bo’rijarda Etikdo’z mahallani bilarsiz, o’sha yerga tushganman. – dedi oqroqdan kelgan semiz xotin.

Manba: Asqad Muxtor, Opa singillar

Ko’chishga hozirlanish kerak, bir dunyo har xil ishlarni qilish – tegirmonga, bozorga, etikdo’zga, internatga, o’g’lining oldiga borib kelish kerak.

Manba: Chingiz Aytmatov, Alvido , ey Gulsari

Tunov kuni shu mahallaning devkor etikdo‘zlaridan Buvamat ota butun qolip-u shon-u so‘zan, bigizlarini ulgurjisiga ikki pud jo‘xori unga movoza qildi. 

Manba: G’afur G’ulom, Mening o'g'rigina bolam


I come from countryside, but now I settle here. You know that Cobblers' neighborhood in Borijar, I live there, - said whitish fat lady.

Manba: Asqad Mukhtor, Sisters

It was time to get ready, there were a million things to do: he had to go to the mill, to the market, to the shoemaker's, to the boarding school to see his son, but Tanabai moved about in a cloud of gloom.

Manba: Chingiz Aitmatov, Farewell, Gulsary!

A few days ago, Buvemet Ata, one of the best shoe-makers in this neighborhood, traded all his wooden models, thread, awls and other tools for thirty-two kilos of sorghum flour.

Manba: Gafur Gulom, My Little Thief