Kimsaning g‘am-qayg‘usini birga kechiruvchi, dardining tarqalishiga ko‘maklashuvchi, dardkash, qayg‘udosh
Having sympathy—having the same emotions as someone else, especially sadness; feeling bad for someone because they are in a negative situation.
Qani endi, uning oh-u zoriga quloq soladigan biror hamdard bo‘lsa-yu… butun alam va hasratlarini aytib, yuragini biroz bo‘lsa ham bo‘shatsa! Manba: M. Ismoiliy, Farg`ona tong otguncha |
With inaudible steps she went quickly to the sick man’s bedside, and going up so that he had not to turn his head, she immediately clasped in her fresh young hand the skeleton of his huge hand, pressed it, and began speaking with that soft eagerness, sympathetic and not jarring, which is peculiar to women. Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina |