Bitta uzun, bitta kalta yogʻoch bilan oʻynaladigan bolalar oʻyini va shu oʻyinda xizmat qiladigan ingichka yogʻoch.
Chillak bola Chillak oʻyinida ishlatiladigan ikki yogʻochning kaltarogʻi. Chillak ona Chillak oʻyinida ishlatiladigan ikki yogʻochning uzunrogʻi; chillaksop.
Qadimiy xalq o'yinlaridan bo'lgan chillak o'yinida ikki o'yinchi ishtirok etadi. Birinchi ishtirokchining qo'lidagi uzunligi bir metr (dasta), ikkinchisining qo'lida esa uzunligi 20 - 25 sm. keladigan tayoqcha "Chillak" bo'ladi. O'yin ishtirokchilari tekis joyda diametri yarim yoki bir metrcha keladigan doira shaklida aylana chizib olishadi. Bu aylana o'yini "yalov" deyiladi. O'yinni birinchi boshlash uchun quyidagicha shart qo'yiladi, ya'ni tayoqchali bola tayoqchasining bir uchidan mahkam ushlab turadi, ikkinchi bola esa, qo'lidagi o'z ta-yog'i bilan uning ushlab turgan tayoqchasiga uch marta uradi. Agar uch zarba ichida qo'lidagi tayoqchani chiqarib yuborsa, shartga binoan yutqazgan bo'ladi. Uch zarbada ham tayoqchani qo'lidan chiqarib yubormay saqlab qola olsa, g'olib hisoblanadi.
2 Varrak ipi oʻraladigan qisqa choʻp.
Birinchi bolalar qur’a tashlab, kim birinchi boshlashini kelishib oladilar. Keyin 2 dona g’ishtning orasini 20 santimetr uzoqlikda qo’yib o’yin boshlanadi. Birinchi bola 1 ta cho’pni g’isht ustiga qo’yib, ikkinchi cho’p bilan pastdagi cho’pni ozgina yuqori ko’tarib uzoqqa otadi. Cho’p tushgan joy chizib belgilanadi. O’yin boshlagan bola g’ishtdan cho’p tushgan joygacha necha tayyoq chiqishini chamalab aytishi lozim. Agar cho’p tushgan joy bola aytganidek 20 yoki 30 ta tayok chiqsa, bola shuncha ochko to’plagan bo’ladi. Agar tayoq tushgan joy 20 yoki 30 ta chiqmasa, bola yutqazadi va o’yinni keyingi bolaga beradi. Bu o’yinni uch kishi yoki to’rt kishi o’ynashi mumkin. Eng kam ochko to’plagan bola, masalan, 200, 300 yoki 1000, ochko to’plagan bo’lsa, shuncha joyni belgilab, chillak g’ishti turgan joydan 1000 cho’p chiqadigan joygacha «zuv» so’zini bir nafasda to’xtamasdan aytib borishi kerak va cho’pni o’sha joyga qo’yishi kerak.
Chillak is mainly played by children in mountain villages. This game does not require any special game field or special preparation. To have a small tip-cat and a long stick made from willow or poplar is enough.
Chillak can be played either by two or with a group. Before the start of the game the referee throws lots to determine the beginner. The beginner puts a tip-cat on the edge of a small hole, then with the use of a stick throws it up into the air and kicks it as hard as he can to send it as far as possible.
Rivals standing on the opposite side of the pitch try to catch sweepingly flying tip-cat. However, it is difficult to do this. In case he/she is able to do that then the tip-cat should be thrown to the initial place that is to the hole precisely or at least to the distance of one stick long. The succeeding side wins the game and gains the right to throw.
In case the rival party is not able to throw in a tip-cat in the distance of a stick to the hole, the other party puts the tip-cat into the air again and throws it as best as one can. This repeated as many times as the rivals could throw the tip-cat to the hole in the distance of a stick. As a punishment the losing party shall bring the tip-cat with uttering “zuvv” sound at the same time not breaking off his breath.
There was one condition in the procedure of learning an old Arabic alphabet: a student has to pronounce by heart 32 letters of the alphabet in on breath. This always required from the child to have a good intellectual abilities and physical health. Only those succeeded passed to the next stage of education.
It is the same in the chillak game: if the runner breaks off his breath hew is stopped and the tip-cat is thrown further again. Then this boy or his fellow player must take their rivals on his back and bring them to the bench-mark.
Shamol turganda, qorongʻi kechalarning qoq yarmisida boʻlsa ham, chillakdagi ipning hammasini qoʻyib, ustunga bogʻlayman. Manba: Oybek, Bolalik |
Ular [bolalar] chillak oʻynayotgan boʻlsa kerak, har dam-har damda qaysisidir zuvullab yuguradi. Manba: "Yoshlik" jurnali |
When the wind blows, even in the middle of a dark night, I put all the rope in the chillak and tie it to the pole. Manba: Oybek, Childhood |
They [the children] must be playing chillak, as they are running here and there from time to time. Manba: "Youth" Journal |