O‘zb: Shira lablar
Eng: Sweet / sugar lips
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ehtirosni qo`zg`atuvchi lab, Gulshakar lab


Shirali, shirin lab


Soft and attractive lips


Uning bo‘ynidan quchoqlab, shira lablari bilan yuzidan o‘pganlari,… E voh… kechagina emasmidi?!


Manba: Stefan Sveyg, Bir umr zavoli hikoyasi


Two crowned Kings, and One that stood alone
With no green weight of laurels round his head,
But with sad eyes as one uncomforted,
And wearied with man's never-ceasing moan
For sins no bleating victim can atone,
And sweet long lips with tears and kisses fed.
Girt was he in a garment black and red,
And at his feet I marked a broken stone
Which sent up lilies, dove-like, to his knees.

Manba: Oscar Wilde, A Vision