O‘zb: Kalaka qilish
Eng: Mockery


Qaltis hazil, masxara-mazax


Ridicule, contempt, or derision; a derisive, imitative action or speech.


Chunki haligacha bironta zot yuragi betlab ochiq kalaka qilishga botingani yo‘q.

Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat


Of course it is not always as bad as that, but you know it often is, and I say 'tis a mockery to tell a man that he must not overwork his horse, for when a beast is downright tired there's nothing but the whip that will keep his legs a-going; you can't help yourself—you must put your wife and children before the horse; the master must look to that, we can't.

Manba: Black Beauty Anna Sewell