O‘zb: Sog`lom yuz
Eng: Ruddy faced / healthy-looking face
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Oydek g`uborsiz yuz


Qon yugurib turgan, tarang va tiniq yuz


Ruddy face looks pink and  healthy


Bu  o‘n-o‘n olti iorasida bo‘lgan,  qoramtir, lekin toza, sog‘lom yuzli kishi edi.


Manba: Oybek, Qutlug‘ qon


He had a healthy-looking face and a little toothbrush mustache.

Manba: Dan Brown, Deception Point

It is seldom that anyman, unless he is very full-blooded, breaks out inthis way through emotion, so I hazarded the opinionthat the criminal was probably a robust and ruddy-faced man. Events proved that I had judged correctly.


Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study In Scarlet