O‘zb: Rubob
Eng: Rubab


Mediator bilan chertib chalinadigan besh torli musiqa asbobi


Five-stringed musical instrument played with a mediator.


Tashqarida bir qo‘sha sozandalar dutor, tanbur, g‘ijjak, rubob, nay va amsoli sozlar bilan dunyoga jon suvi sepib shaharning mashhur hofizlari ashula aytadirlar.

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O`tkan kunlar

Zamonaviy kompozitorlik ijodiyoti bilan bog'liq holda bir qator chang, rubob, dutor, g‘ijjak kabi xalq cholg‘ularining oilaviy namunalari

Manba: S.Begmatov, M.Matyoqubov, O‘zbek an’anaviy cholg‘ulari


A number of family samples of folk instruments such as a chang, rubab, dutar, and gijjak have been created in connection with modern composition.


Manba: S. Begmatov, M. Matyokubov, Uzbek traditional instruments

The constant interplay of instruments resonated from the outer yard; the dutars, tamburs, rubabs, and nays, were accompanied by the most renowned singers of the city; they watered the world around them with

the ever-flowing spring of their songs, caressing the ears of the guests.


Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone Days