O‘zb: Ilhomlanmoq
Eng: Get inspired
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Ilhombaxsh


Ruhlanmoq, ilhom olmoq


Filled with new ideas and a strong feeling of enthusiasm.


Bizning yozuvchilarimiz ham qardosh xalqlarning hayoti, ijodiy mehnatini o’z ko’zlari bilan ko’rdilar, ilhomlandilar.


Manba: Gazetadan


He appreciated all kinds, and could have felt inspired by any one of them; but he had no conception of the possibility of knowing nothing at all of any school of painting, and of being inspired directly by what is within the soul, without caring whether what is painted will belong to any recognized school.

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina