O‘zb: Qabohat
Eng: Evil deed
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Jaholat, Qabih, Qabihlik, Qonxo`rlik, Razolat


Qabih ish, qabihlik, razillik; beadablik


Morally wrong or bad action.


Qanday pastkashlik, qanday yaramas qabohat! Shu mahalgacha sezmaganimga hayronman!” deb o`yladi G`ulomjon.

Manba: M.Ismoiliy, Farg‘ona tong otguncha


At the first glance, when Davout had only raised his head from the papers where human affairs and lives were indicated by numbers, Pierre was merely a circumstance, and Davout could have shot him without burdening his conscience with an evil deed, but now he saw in him a human being. 

Manba: Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace