O‘zb: Shu'la kabi
Eng: As a ray of light; like a beacon
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Zarrasifat


Mash`aldek, nur misoli yoritish


An inspiring or enlightening person; something that guides and offers support.


Ba`zi vaziyatlarda shunday insonlarni uchratasizki, ular xuddi shu`la kabi yo`lingizni yoritadi.

Manba: Gazetadan


Arnold came to me as a most welcome ray of light.


Manba: Quadrant D.M.Armstrong

One of them shined a flashlight down the carpeted stairwell, like a beacon of intent.

Manba: Valerie Martin, We Run

The idea of the house on Nantucket shimmered like a beacon in the dark confusion of her marriage.

Manba: Nancy Thayer, The guest cottage