O‘zb: Mahr
Eng: Mahr


Nikoh vaqtida kuyov tomonidan kelinga ajratiladigan doimiy va shaxsiy mulk.


Translated as "bride price." A sum set aside for the bride should her husband die or
divorce her.


Yigitlar kuyavni domlalar qarshisig‘a kelturib to‘xtatqandan keyin Otabek vakili bo‘lg‘an Ziyo shohichi bilan Kumush qiz vakili Muhammadrahim oralarida mahr masalasi ochiladir. Ko‘b tortishqandan so‘ng quyidag‘i mablag‘lar mahr qilib belgulanadirlar: uch yuz oltin pul, mundan keyin olib berish va’dasi bilan Marg‘ilondan o‘radek bir havli, sog‘ish uchun sigir, asbobi ro‘zgor...

Manba: Abdulla Qodiriy, O'tkan kunlar


The groom and his attendants approached the imam to discuss the issue of mahrThe negotiations were conducted between Ziyo Shohichi, who represented Otabek, and Muhammad Rahim, Kumush's representative. After a long discussion, they agreed upon the following amounts for the mahr: "Three hundred gold coins, a house with a large walled yard in Margilan, which will be purchased after the wedding, with all promises witnessed, a milk cow, and household items.

Manba: Abdulla Qadiriy, Bygone days