Sangtarosh, toshga ishlov beruvchi kasb egasi
Person who is skilled at cutting and preparing stone so that it can be used for walls and buildings
Qoya ko'mirdek qop-qora, old tomoni mohir toshtaroshning qo'lidan chiqqandek silliq. Manba: S.Norboyev, Ukki |
Dunyoda na Tokio, na Novgorod borligidan bexabar bir o'zbek toshtaroshi yana bir qishloqdoshining qabri uchun tosh yo'nardi. Manba: Karim Bahriyev, Toshtarosh |
Toshtarosh navbatdagi toshni olib tekislay boshladi. Manba: Karim Bahriyev, Toshtarosh |
An Uzbek stonemason, unaware of the existence of either Tokyo, or Novgorod in the world, was carving a stone for the grave of his another villager. Manba: Karim Bahriev, Stonemason |
The stonemason took the next stone and began to flatten it. Manba: Karim Bahriev, Stonemason |
The rock is as black as coal and its front part is smooth as if it was grinded by a skillful stonemason. Manba: S.Norboev, Owl |