O‘zb: Yolg`ondan qovog`ini uyish
Eng: A melodramatic scowl
O‘xshash so‘z birikmalari: Qovog`i osilmoq, Qovog`ini uymoq


O`zini xo`mraygan, xafa, norozi holatga solish


Having an untrue frown in one`s face that exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental


― Kulma, pikapim, "volvo" mashinangning bobosi tengi! Hech bo’lmasa yoshini hurmat qil, - dedim yolg’ondan qovog’imni uyib. ― Xo’sh, qaysi tomonga yuray?


Manba: Zulmat ostonasidagi muhabbat, Stefeni Meyer


As it was, I treated the honest sailor to a melodramatic scowl which seemed to cause him no small astonishment, and. strode past him to the other side of the deck.


Manba: Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign Of The Four