Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida, turkiy xalqlar orasida tarqatilgan eng qadimiy musiqa asbobidir,lab va barmoq orqali surib chalinadigan cholg`u asbobi
An old musical instrument distributed among the Turkic peoples in the countries of Central Asia. In ancient times, it was made from the bone of a camel, a tree or a reed plate and a metal part, now it is made mainly entirely of metal.
Katta sallasiga oltin jig`a qo`ndirib, chanqovuz chalib quloqni yayratdi. Manba: Oybek, Tanlangan asarlar |
Chanqovuz chaluvchishartta orqasiga burildi-yu ovozi boricha qichqirdi. Manba: S.Anorboyev, Oqsoy |
The chankovuz player turned back and shouted as loudly as he could. Manba: S.Anorboyev, Oqsoy |
He put a golden jiga on his big turban and played a pleasant melody with chankovuz. Manba: Oybek, Selected works |