Ovozi yoqimli, tiniq
The voice that is pleasant to listen
Ayvondagi tayyor joyga o‘tirib olishgach, mezbon «Xush kebsiz»ni oyoqlatiboq «Tog‘angizning haqiga duo o‘qib qo‘yaylik», degancha xushovozi bilan Qur’ondan qiroat qilib ketdi. Manba: Ulug‘bek Hamdam, Muvozanat |
The moment he started speaking in that melodious voice with its slightly lilting accent and almost perfect enunciation she was lost in its music. Manba: www.wordhippo.com |
The plaintive tone of her compassion merged into the less musical voice of the Judge, as he said something fiercely: ‘Answer the questions put to you, and make no remark upon them.’ Manba: A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens |